We would like to give a huge THANKS to you for making this first year of Lively Apps so unbelievably amazing! When we founded this company at the beginning of 2020, we had no idea about the crazy ups and downs awaiting us. Let’s end this year on a positive note and revisit some of the good things that happened throughout the last 12 months! 🥳

Shortly after our launch in January, we were announced Partner of the Year by Atlassian! This sparked our motivation and inspired us to compete in Atlassian’s hackathon “Codegeist 2020” where we landed in second place with our inaugural “cloud-first” app, Lively Recorder for Confluence, which will be available soon on the Marketplace. We have also brought PocketQuery and Task Reminder to the Cloud, so you don’t have any more excuses – start reminding your users about their expiring tasks and create reports using external SQL/REST data now.
But it’s not all about Cloud! We didn’t spare any time and effort to bring new features to our beloved Server and Data Center apps. We went back and counted: this year, we pushed out 18 (!) releases for you, including features like Slack support for Task Reminder and bulk merging for Page Branching. We also published two exciting major releases: HideElements 3.0 adds the ability to hide UI elements on a space and global level, and PocketQuery 4.0 now supports admins with a live query preview and query renaming. Finally, we made our app Diary completely free to make it easier for you to overcome the struggles of remote work. 🚀

Of course, success and joy does not come from you alone – our amazing customers. Our 2020 journey was made possible by an amazing team. Starting out with only two, we have grown our fully distributed team to six (!) passionate and skilled individuals! And we are now quite certain that going through this difficult year with so much physical distancing, we have grown to be something like a small family.
We have reached the end of 2020 in a perfect position to provide you, our customers, truly spectacular new features, apps, and support services in 2021!
Kind regards and happy holidays,
The Lively Apps Team