Reminders for Everyone—Task Reminder for Confluence Cloud

Welcome Task Reminder for Confluence Cloud! Teams using Confluence Cloud can now effectively track their outstanding Confluence tasks with Task Reminder.

Like most of our apps, Task Reminder was born from a problem. Managing Confluence tasks can be tricky. They are often scattered throughout the pages and spaces that you and your team use, making it easy to forget tasks. Task Reminder solves this problem by organizing open tasks into a neat email that is sent on a set schedule, so users can view all of their open tasks in a single email on a convenient schedule.

A Simple Scheduled Reminder

Task Reminder emails are simple and effective, so you spend less time compiling a todo list and more time completing tasks.

Easy to Configure

You shouldn’t need an engineering degree to configure an app to meet your needs. That’s why we have made the Task Reminder settings page simple and easy to use.

Select Which Groups to Remind

We know you have different needs for each team, so we are allowing you to choose up to five groups to receive reminders. If you need more flexibility, just create a new group specifically for Task Reminder.

Set a Schedule that Works for Your Team

Select which days and times to send emails and we will handle the rest.

Determine Which Tasks to Include

You can select the types of tasks to include in the email. Task Reminder will check each user defined in the “Who should receive…” section and send a reminder if they have any tasks that fall into one of the enabled categories.

We Take Data Security Seriously

Your data is important to us. That’s why we never store sensitive user information. Names and emails are collected at runtime and never stored after the email is sent. Read our cloud EULA for more information.

Try Task Reminder for Confluence Cloud free for 30-days on the Atlassian Marketplace!

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