Diary for Confluence is Now Free

A tool for effective remote communication.

Team awareness and healthy communication are essential to us here at Lively Apps. As a fully remote team split across Munich and Vancouver, we face the daily challenge of communicating across country borders and time zones.

Remote work is now the reality for teams across the world due to the current global situation. Adapting to remote work requires novel approaches to sharing information and keeping everyone up to date.

“Diary for Confluence” makes communication more natural for remote work teams, and it is now free for both Server and Data Center. Learn more and install the app from the Marketplace here.

Sounds great! How can Diary be useful for my team?

Confluence is a great tool for documenting everything your team does - but it can be tedious to communicate every small update to your team.

Diary eliminates tedium and makes communication feel natural by allowing you to write quick updates from the view-mode of a page. You can simply press “D”, on any Confluence page that contains the Diary macro, to open the Diary editor. Write a quick note and let Diary take care of the rest.

Diary will be an absolute game changer for your remote team. Here’s a short list of of examples for how it can be used.

Personal Diary

You can probably remember what you worked on yesterday but do you still know what you did last Tuesday? The Personal Diary allows you to keep track of your own work history.

This is good for your colleagues too. The next time you’re on vacation and a colleague needs to know if you deleted that table in the production database they can find the answer in your work history, while you enjoy a disconnected and stress free break.


If you manage infrastructure of any kind, Diary is a true time saver. Quickly rebooted one of your servers? Updated Java? Accidentally killed an important process? Let your colleagues know by pressing “D” and writing it down!

Project Diary

Making changes to an active project is straightforward, but what happens when a customer expands the budget to work on a project that has been dead for over a year. If only you knew what people were doing the last time they touched it.

Diary prevents projects from becoming history by making the changelog available for future work.

Still not convinced? Read this blog post by Isabelle and see why she thinks everyone needs a Diary.

Wait! I’ve already purchased a Diary license. What’s in it for me?

First off, thank you for purchasing Diary! Every owner of a paid Diary license is now eligible to receive a free license for any paid Lively App. Check out our offerings on the Atlassian Marketplace:

Simply let us know what app you want by writing an email to support@livelyapps.com.comand make sure to include the SEN of your Diary license.

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